When asked if she has children, she painfully replies "no"
When she's asked when she'll have kids, she just say's "I don't know"
When she see's a pregnant woman, her heart is filled with despair
When she hears a baby giggle, her eyes are filled with tears
She begged for the life inside her, but none was nurtured there
She prayed for the beat of a heart, but silence filled the air
She longed for a kick or a nudging, but no prodding could she feel
Her deepest desire, her greatest urge both were taken from her
She's the mother without a child, who lost her baby far too soon
Forced to say goodbye, farewell, before their first hello
She mourns the loss of a life, one that never truly began
The child she never met or held, will always be on her mind
This so perfectly captures the thoughts we have felt after a loss...Thank you for sharing this. Kristi